Monday, March 4, 2013

Start of a New Life and a New Me

OK. Today I have started the 5:2 diet. Rob and I and some friends are going to Spain this summer and I want to look great in a bikini. This seems to me to be a really doable diet plan. I don't find fasting too hard, and if I get 500 calories on a fast day, divided between two meals. That's worth it. I weighed 134.00 today. I am 63.5 inches tall. My BMI is 23.7 which is normal, but I have this roll of fat around my middle, and my butt and my thighs, that I just don't like. It makes me depressed. So, I am going to work out daily and do the 5:2, eating sensibly on my eating days. I had blood work done today and I'll probably have the results tomorrow. Will add them then. Today for my first fasting meal (what a strange thing to say) I had 1/2 a whole wheat bagel and 2 tbs. of whipped cream cheese for a total calorie count of 185 calories. I'll have dinner tonight: cod marinated in soy and mirin with broccolini and an apple. For a total calorie count of 282 calories. I am off to the gym during lunch today. That way I can keep from eating with Dave and Lisa. It's hard to be good when they bring lunch, so I'll have to fill them in and eat more healthy options. I know I can do this. I have to try. It's too frustrating being overweight and not looking good in any of my clothes. I need to be a size 4, not a size 8. Here goes!!!!!!!!

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